Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dying to Tie Die ^__^

Tie Dye Inspiration-Board

Ive seen a few DIY's on how to tie dye (rhyming was unintentional, I promise lol) and I know the first thing that pops to mind is "cheesy hippie rainbow T's". But tie dye can actually be very sophisticated and grown up! And anyway isn't what the last few years have been about? taking old things and adding a modern twist? Its called vintage chic and we love it! xD

As of now I don't have any tutorials to post but Ive gotten some awesome ideas from the links below, I think you might enjoy as well. As soon as I get all my supplies I will be posting my experience with dying! sounds scary to me haha but I'm willing to try it.
Beautiful DIY from Honestly WTF

 and she also has another Tutorial with dying with bleach. I love this blog, such interesting and inspiring ideas!

Honestly WTF DIY Bleach Tie Dye

DIY Summer Tie Dye From Katie

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Self-Tanning? Can I consider that a DIY?

I always dread when the weather starts getting warm. Everyone starts wearing shorts and skirts while I wear jeans to hide my very pale sun ridden legs -__- well eventually I get over it and ill wear my shorts, how else am I suppose to build a decent shade of bronze on my legs? Ive tried a self tanner only once in my life and never bothered to try again. Until I was snooping through my mom's closet and found a little orange bottle of L'Oreal Sublime Self-Tanning Lotion.

I thought "heck its there and there's no harm in trying it", right? I was always on the fence with these things because they are messy, slimy and some have a funky smell but L'Oreal's self tanner smelled like summer in a bottle! It applies white just like a body lotion. It says streak free but I guess you should probably apply a good amount so you get an all around even coating. It didn't leave streaks but I had uneven patches lol but that was all my fault. I wasn't seeing any fast result so i would apply a little more in the parts i didn't see a color change haha I'm ridiculous i tell you. After applying you should probably see it a change within 10-15 minutes and at 30 minutes, that should be the final color or at least that was my experience. And of course like with any other self-tanner you want to be moderate with application or you will end up looking like a carrot! ooooh that's not a good look.

No bueno -__-

Friday, May 27, 2011

Free Pattern Month at GrosgrainFabulous is hosting free pattern month! They've gathered a great collection of versatile easy patterns for the sewing seamstress. They have a few items Ive been eyeballing and would love to hash them out this summer! But I'm a procrastinator so who knows? anyways i digress, they've featured one of my favorite blogs Adventures in Dressmaking by Suzannah. She has an awesome collection of original DIY's. She contributed to Free pattern month with her fabulous Paper Bag Skirt

Adventures in Dressmaking : Paper Bag Skirt toturial
And may I add, inst Suzannah gorgeous? anyway hop on over to her blog for more goddies.

Chevrons Pillow tutorial
Chevron Wristlet Pattern
Also I love love love Made-by-Rae's Free Chevron Wristlet Pattern. I first saw this chevron technique at Dana Made her project from-stripes-to-chevrons-pillow was so interesting and easy enough to get me thinking about buying stripe fabric to try this. My room could definitely use a color and pattern splash.

Chevron Inspiration Board

Sewing for Summer...

Ive been bit by the sewing and blogging bug! This summer I promised myself to really dedicate to sewing and learning how to sew. I came across this cute Tiny Pocket Tank by Jennifer author of grainline.blogspot

Ive seen a few creations of this tank by members and let me tell you they came out fabulous. This is the perfect project for this summer and I cant wait to get started. Want to download a copy? Click @ tiny-pocket-tank-pattern-pdf

From blogger Amanda from Simply Chantilly

Hello World....

And all those who inhabit it! Lovely day in New York City, big change from that grey and rainy weather. Finally the East coast can bask in some warmth and sunshine xD. Now that the sun is out and classes are over, I can start sewing again!

What I had in mind for this blog was to showcase a collection of DIY's from not just myself but from other bloggers as well. I have a million and a half bookmarks dedicated to this topic! This blog was created to share links to creative Do It Yourself sites. I felt that a blog was a good way to organize and categorize my favorites into one separate space of their own.  I love how creative people can get when it comes to making things out of usually inexpensive items.

Want to make a quick bodycon dress or skirt for as little as 99 cents?! With creativity and keen eye for fashion this blogger created this unique bodycon skirt and dress!
I fell in love with her blog awhile back and her stuff is such an inspiration. Makes you want to hit 99 cent stores and thrift shops all day long, doesnt it? check out this tutorial @ A Pair and a Spare as well as her many other and you'll also get a good feel of her sense of style. Uniquely hers and so chic!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I think writing my first blog post is the most difficult thing in the world right now. Too many ideas and not enough organization in my mind to make up my mind on what to write first. So ill begin with stating the obvious. I have no idea where to start!

It’s all too overwhelming. Editing my profile, uploading pictures, changing the appearance of the blog for a desired look. It’s a little frustrating but I cant wait to see it as I envision. Also, its intimidating to see how little and insignificant my blog will be in comparison to these elaborate and sophisticated blogs out here. I know I shouldn’t be comparing, especially a beginner like me. As long as I’m writing and expressing myself that should be enough for now. I hope that along with developing my blog, I also wish to enhance my writing and the creativity within my writing.  As you can see, I’m as mediocre or worse as they come :p

Whether no one or everyone sees my blog, this will be my journal illustrating my journey throughout.
As I get acquainted with my blog, here is a video link to add a little contagious laughter to your life =D… Happy Thirsty Thursday!